The minimum turning diameter is a non-standard term used to indicate the performance of a vehicle. Turning diameter is the standard term, it is to indicate whether the vehicle turning performance flexible parameters. Generally, the turning diameter given in the car manual refers to the track circle diameter of the outer steering wheel. It refers to the track circle diameter of the center plane of the outer steering wheel on the supporting plane of the vehicle (generally the ground) , that is, when the front wheel of the vehicle is at the maximum turning angle, the diameter of a track circle formed on the ground by the center of the tire tread of a vehicle whose front axle is farthest from the steering center.
The turning diameter has a direct effect on the vehicle's maneuverability. The smaller the turning diameter, the greater the car's ability to pass through narrow bends or around impassable obstacles, and the more flexible it becomes. The turning diameter is directly related to the wheelbase, wheelbase and the ultimate turning angle of the steering wheel. The larger the wheelbase and wheelbase, the larger the turning diameter; the larger the ultimate turning angle of the steering wheel, the smaller the turning diameter.